Spring Only Category Team_Assigned Last_Name_First_or_Coach Jersey Size Paid
U4 Coed Argentina 1 Coach Danny. Sp (734) 837-7174

U4 Coed Argentina 1 Arya, As...

U4 Coed Argentina 1 Churella, Pe... Youth Small
U4 Coed Argentina 1 Parzen, Av...

U4 Coed Argentina 1 Seder, Ol... Youth Small
U4 Coed Argentina 1 Sparks, Ma... Youth Small
U4 Coed Argentina 1 Sparks, Re... Youth Small
U4 Coed Brazil 1 Coach Michael. Go (734) 730-2964

U4 Coed Brazil 1 Cazaux, Mi...

U4 Coed Brazil 1 Eberline, So...

U4 Coed Brazil 1 Franciosi, Ro... Youth Small
U4 Coed Brazil 1 Gigas, Co... Youth Small
U4 Coed Brazil 1 Goff, Lu...

U4 Coed Brazil 1 Nguyen, Xa... Using Fall's .
U4 Coed Brazil 1 Ross, Ja... Using Fall's .
U4 Coed Canada 1 Coach Carl. Na (248) 229-9805

U4 Coed Canada 1 Anderson, Jo... Youth Small
U4 Coed Canada 1 Carravallah, He...

U4 Coed Canada 1 Feeny, Er... Using Fall's .
U4 Coed Canada 1 Nance, Re... Using Fall's .
U4 Coed Canada 1 Slotkin, Ch... Youth Small
U4 Coed Canada 1 Van Zee, Em... Youth Small
U4 Coed Chile 1 Coach Bill. Ri (248) 444-6719

U4 Coed Chile 1 Buckley, Ma... Youth Small
U4 Coed Chile 1 Delonis, Ro...

U4 Coed Chile 1 Fendelet, Ja...

U4 Coed Chile 1 Holodnick, Fl... Youth Small
U4 Coed Chile 1 Long, El...

U4 Coed Chile 1 Parka, Em...

U4 Coed Chile 1 Riegner, Ze...

U4 Coed England 1 Coach Matthew. Ka (248) 606-0418

U4 Coed England 1 Franz, Be... Youth Small
U4 Coed England 1 Giroux, No... Using Fall's .
U4 Coed England 1 Kardel, Ev... Youth Small
U4 Coed England 1 Laginess, Ch... Youth Small
U4 Coed England 1 Moore, Em... Youth Small
U4 Coed England 1 Radtke, An... Youth Small
U4 Coed France 1 Coach Alex. Fr (248) 330-3726

U4 Coed France 1 Forrest, Sa... Youth Small
U4 Coed France 1 Fritz, Pa... Youth Small
U4 Coed France 1 Kurzmann, Av... Youth Small
U4 Coed France 1 Parzuchowski, Dy... Youth Small
U4 Coed France 1 Suszanski, Ni... Youth Small
U4 Coed France 1 Williams, He... Youth Small
U4 Coed Germany 1 Coach Conor. Se (248) 390-0062

U4 Coed Germany 1 Adler, Th... Youth Small
U4 Coed Germany 1 Foley, Ha... Youth Small
U4 Coed Germany 1 Hannawa, Ev... Youth Small
U4 Coed Germany 1 KURUVILLA, MA... Youth Small
U4 Coed Germany 1 Proksel, Th... Youth Small
U4 Coed Germany 1 Sedam, Ra... Youth Small
U4 Coed Holland 1 Coach Ryan. Fi (248) 767-1397

U4 Coed Holland 1 Burns, De... Youth Small
U4 Coed Holland 1 Cocke, Ma... Youth Small
U4 Coed Holland 1 Figurski, Le... Youth Small
U4 Coed Holland 1 Stewart, Sa... Youth Small
U4 Coed Holland 1 Winter, Ca... Youth Small
U4 Coed Ireland 1 Coach Anthony. Gi (248) 884-3939

U4 Coed Ireland 1 Barada, Yo... Youth Small
U4 Coed Ireland 1 Chapman, Iv... Youth Small
U4 Coed Ireland 1 Dauss, Ja... Youth Small
U4 Coed Ireland 1 Gholami, Pe... Youth Small
U4 Coed Ireland 1 Giglio, Av... Youth Small
U4 Coed Ireland 1 Sirko, Qu... Youth Small
U4 Coed Ireland 1 Waldo, Ay... Youth Small
U4 Coed Rush_JR_A 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U5 Coed Argentina 1 Coach neil. Me (248) 283-9595

U5 Coed Argentina 1 Cao, Li... Using Fall's .
U5 Coed Argentina 1 Klanow, Ce... Youth Small
U5 Coed Argentina 1 McPherson, Vi... Youth Medium
U5 Coed Argentina 1 Mendel, ch...

U5 Coed Argentina 1 Smith, El...

U5 Coed Argentina 1 Yee, Ma... Youth Small
U5 Coed Brazil 1 Coach Robert. Ma (248) 904-5969

U5 Coed Brazil 1 Eller, Ev... Youth Small
U5 Coed Brazil 1 Martell, Le... Using Fall's .
U5 Coed Brazil 1 Martell, Na... Youth Small
U5 Coed Brazil 1 McMacken, Em...

U5 Coed Brazil 1 Nowakowski, Sp...

U5 Coed Brazil 1 Schleh, Jo...

U5 Coed Canada 1 Coach John. Ma (248) 756-9501

U5 Coed Canada 1 Dhillon, Ka... Youth Medium
U5 Coed Canada 1 Li, Sh... Youth Small
U5 Coed Canada 1 Marx Jr, Jo... Youth Small
U5 Coed Canada 1 Vaughan, Be... Youth Small
U5 Coed Canada 1 Wang, Ch... Youth Medium
U5 Coed Canada 1 zhu, Co... Youth Small
U5 Coed Chile 1 Coach Erica. Ol (248) 755-0612

U5 Coed Chile 1 Assist. Maggie. Hu

U5 Coed Chile 1 Hill, Hu...

U5 Coed Chile 1 Hughes, Ja... Youth Small
U5 Coed Chile 1 Kuriluk, Te... Youth Small
U5 Coed Chile 1 Olivi, A....

U5 Coed Chile 1 Tenzillo, Lu... Using Fall's .
U5 Coed Chile 1 Walsh, Ca... Youth Small
U5 Coed England 1 Coach Michelle. Mu (734) 904-4600

U5 Coed England 1 Forrest, Pr...

U5 Coed England 1 Holcomb, Lu...

U5 Coed England 1 Kramer, No...

U5 Coed England 1 Krouse, Ar...

U5 Coed England 1 Swiderek, La...

U5 Coed England 1 Younan, Ma...

U5 Coed Espana 1 Coach STIG. ax (248) 756-1107

U5 Coed Espana 1 axelsson, ja... Youth Small
U5 Coed Espana 1 Cocke, Pa... Youth Medium
U5 Coed Espana 1 Errickson, Ma... Youth Medium
U5 Coed Espana 1 Jones, Lu... Youth Small
U5 Coed Espana 1 Krause, Co... Youth Small
U5 Coed Espana 1 Wang, Ju... Youth Medium
U5 Coed France 1 Coach Brendan. Bu (248) 819-7335

U5 Coed France 1 Bond, Ma... Youth Small
U5 Coed France 1 Buckley, Jo... Youth Small
U5 Coed France 1 Howard, Pa... Youth Small
U5 Coed France 1 Kingsbury, Dr... Youth Small
U5 Coed France 1 Kingsbury, Du... Youth Small
U5 Coed France 1 Kuciban, Ph... Youth Small
U5 Coed Germany 1 Coach Christopher. So (313) 575-0048

U5 Coed Germany 1 Frazier, So... Youth Small
U5 Coed Germany 1 Frescoln, El... Using Fall's .
U5 Coed Germany 1 Johnson, Au... Using Fall's .
U5 Coed Germany 1 Rolph, Gr... Youth Small
U5 Coed Germany 1 Son, Li... Using Fall's .
U5 Coed Germany 1 Vidmar, Qu...

U5 Coed Holland 1 Coach Emily. So (517) 599-3567

U5 Coed Holland 1 Banuelos, Ad... Youth Small
U5 Coed Holland 1 Brown, Lu... Youth Small
U5 Coed Holland 1 DeBottis, Ch...

U5 Coed Holland 1 Lebeis, Au... Youth Medium
U5 Coed Holland 1 Muse, Ki...

U5 Coed Holland 1 Soni, Me...

U5 Coed Ireland 1 Coach Emily. Da (734) 709-2724

U5 Coed Ireland 1 Bastianelli, My... Youth Small
U5 Coed Ireland 1 Davis, Dy... Youth Small
U5 Coed Ireland 1 Ingrao, Ma... Youth Small
U5 Coed Ireland 1 Peterson, Vi... Youth Small
U5 Coed Ireland 1 Shega, El... Youth Small
U5 Coed Ireland 1 Wilamowski, Ev... Youth Small
U5 Coed Italia 1 Coach Bradley. Tr (219) 689-3476

U5 Coed Italia 1 Brown, Ri... Using Fall's .
U5 Coed Italia 1 Eldracher, Ev... Youth Small
U5 Coed Italia 1 Harp, Av... Youth Small
U5 Coed Italia 1 Leary, Li... Youth Small
U5 Coed Italia 1 Liska, Fr... Youth Small
U5 Coed Italia 1 Trembacki, Le... Youth Small
U5 Coed Rush Jr Van Tiem, Be...

U5 Coed Rush_JR_A 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U5 Coed Rush_JR_B 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U5 Coed Sweden 1 Coach Needed: 248 662-5159

U5 Coed Sweden 1 Berry, Ai... Youth Small
U5 Coed Sweden 1 Donoghue, Co... Youth Small
U5 Coed Sweden 1 Embury, Sc... Youth Small
U5 Coed Sweden 1 Kenison, Gr... Youth Small
U5 Coed Sweden 1 Roach, Ol... Youth Small
U5 Coed Sweden 1 Trent, Et... Youth Small
U6 Coed Argentina 1 Coach Sean. Pa (248) 508-0750

U6 Coed Argentina 1 Braziunas, Lu...

U6 Coed Argentina 1 Goedtel, Gr... Youth Small
U6 Coed Argentina 1 Linsell, Gr... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed Argentina 1 Linsell, Ol... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed Argentina 1 Pattison, He...

U6 Coed Argentina 1 Richardson, Ca... Youth Small
U6 Coed Brazil 1 Coach Martin. Ca (313) 289-8626

U6 Coed Brazil 1 Assist. Stefan. Os

U6 Coed Brazil 1 Best, Co... Youth Small
U6 Coed Brazil 1 Cazaux, Ma...

U6 Coed Brazil 1 Oswald, Ju... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed Brazil 1 Persaud, Ni... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Brazil 1 Rizk, Co... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed Brazil 1 Sandhu, Je... Youth Small
U6 Coed Canada 1 Coach Nunzio. De (586) 419-5076

U6 Coed Canada 1 Assist. Brett. Sc

U6 Coed Canada 1 Brown, Fr... Youth Small
U6 Coed Canada 1 DeCia, El...

U6 Coed Canada 1 Gerwatowski, Le...

U6 Coed Canada 1 Ibrahim, Ja... Youth Small
U6 Coed Canada 1 Pell, Co... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed Canada 1 Schloesser, Em... Youth Small
U6 Coed Chile 1 Coach Brett. Pa (248) 961-4126

U6 Coed Chile 1 Assist. Kyle. Be

U6 Coed Chile 1 Amad, Ha... Youth Small
U6 Coed Chile 1 Bentley, Br... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Chile 1 Goerke, Em... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Chile 1 Lawson, Ea...

U6 Coed Chile 1 Naurato, Ar... Youth Small
U6 Coed Chile 1 Page, El...

U6 Coed England 1 Coach Nicholas. Li (812) 929-0717

U6 Coed England 1 Bolduc, Wi...

U6 Coed England 1 Delonis, Li... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed England 1 Licata, Ca... Youth Small
U6 Coed England 1 Navarre, Fe... Youth Small
U6 Coed England 1 Rothschild, Be... Youth Small
U6 Coed England 1 Wiemer, Ga... Youth Medium
U6 Coed France 1 Coach Jerry. Mu (734) 637-9240

U6 Coed France 1 Armstrong, El... Youth Small
U6 Coed France 1 Bhardwaj, Me... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed France 1 Callaghan, He... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed France 1 Farhat, Ra... Youth Small
U6 Coed France 1 McBeth, Ra... Youth Small
U6 Coed France 1 Murray, Mi... Youth Small
U6 Coed Germany 1 Coach Michael. St (248) 231-1444

U6 Coed Germany 1 Bajor, Ja... Youth Small
U6 Coed Germany 1 Grady, Ad... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Germany 1 Malhotra, Vi...

U6 Coed Germany 1 Marchelletta, Co... Youth Small
U6 Coed Germany 1 Rimmel, Sl... Youth Small
U6 Coed Germany 1 Stefani, Ar... Youth Small
U6 Coed Holland 1 Coach Kirk. Ry (734) 756-3392

U6 Coed Holland 1 Rylance, De...

U6 Coed Holland 1 Sakhleh, He... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed Holland 1 Seder, Jo... Youth Small
U6 Coed Holland 1 Sun, Ja...

U6 Coed Holland 1 Toth, Vi...

U6 Coed Holland 1 Zhu, Ev...

U6 Coed Italia 1 Coach Nicholas. Sc (734) 812-9829

U6 Coed Italia 1 Janini, Ma... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Italia 1 Kelley, Ja... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Italia 1 Lamarand, Ch... Youth Small
U6 Coed Italia 1 Scarsella, Gr... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Italia 1 Shelata, Ha... Youth Small
U6 Coed Italia 1 Trailer, Ad... Youth Small
U6 Coed Refund Soueidan, Ha...

U6 Coed Rush_JR_A 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U6 Coed Rush_JR_B 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U6 Coed Rush_JR_C 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U6 Coed Rush_JR_D 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U6 Coed Sweden 1 Coach Seth. He 248 797-2853

U6 Coed Sweden 1 Ardisana, Ap... Youth Small
U6 Coed Sweden 1 Bares, Al... Youth Small
U6 Coed Sweden 1 Hannawa, Co... Youth Small
U6 Coed Sweden 1 Herdoiza, Gr... Youth Medium
U6 Coed Sweden 1 Kneifel, Ma...

U6 Coed Sweden 1 Nguyen, Ar... Using Fall's .
U6 Coed Wait Listed Obidzinski, Jo... Youth Small
U7 Boys Argentina 1 Coach Jeff. An (734) 564-9880

U7 Boys Argentina 1 Aeschliman, Ho...

U7 Boys Argentina 1 Andersen, Ry...

U7 Boys Argentina 1 aravind, ro... Using Fall's .
U7 Boys Argentina 1 Arvila, Th... Using Fall's .
U7 Boys Argentina 1 Chandler, Be...

U7 Boys Argentina 1 DeVey, Ha...

U7 Boys Argentina 1 Domina, Ja...

U7 Boys Argentina 1 Gillespie, Da...

U7 Boys Argentina 1 Pejanovic, Al...

U7 Boys Argentina 1 Wilkins, La...

U7 Boys Brazil 1 Coach Patrick. Be (201) 926-8554

U7 Boys Brazil 1 Adomkaitis, Al...

U7 Boys Brazil 1 Beattie, Be... Youth Small
U7 Boys Brazil 1 Beattie, Li... Youth Small
U7 Boys Brazil 1 Bohdan, Jo...

U7 Boys Brazil 1 Bond, Za... Youth Medium
U7 Boys Brazil 1 Kleit, Na... Youth Small
U7 Boys Brazil 1 Kyritses, St... Youth Small
U7 Boys Brazil 1 Nicastro, Pi... Youth Small
U7 Boys Brazil 1 Roach, Sa... Youth Small
U7 Boys Brazil 1 Schneider, Co... Youth Medium
U7 Boys Chile 1 Coach Alex. Fr (248) 330-3726

U7 Boys Chile 1 Assist. Vineet. Ja

U7 Boys Chile 1 Brown, Za... Youth Small
U7 Boys Chile 1 Cheng, Ed... Youth Small
U7 Boys Chile 1 Fritz, He... Youth Small
U7 Boys Chile 1 Herek, As...

U7 Boys Chile 1 Jalpota, Is...

U7 Boys Chile 1 Kaakaji, Sa... Youth Small
U7 Boys Chile 1 Maitland, Je...

U7 Boys Chile 1 Schwenzer, Tr... Youth Small
U7 Boys Chile 1 Soares, Se...

U7 Boys Chile 1 Van Zee, Lu...

U7 Boys England 1 Coach Jeffrey. Le (248) 697-7027

U7 Boys England 1 Assist. Bob. Be

U7 Boys England 1 Assist. Christine. Su

U7 Boys England 1 Bazzi, Za...

U7 Boys England 1 Beckman, Ja...

U7 Boys England 1 Heiniger, Fi... Youth Small
U7 Boys England 1 Lewis, Ge... Using Fall's .
U7 Boys England 1 Parzen, Jo...

U7 Boys England 1 qazi, lu...

U7 Boys England 1 Susalla, An... Youth Small
U7 Boys England 1 Susalla, Di... Youth Small
U7 Boys England 1 Tomsha, Mi... Youth Medium
U7 Boys England 1 Warden, Bl...

U7 Boys Germany 1 Coach Orgun. Gu (734) 846-3813

U7 Boys Germany 1 Assist. Jacqueline. Ba

U7 Boys Germany 1 Bammert, He... Youth Small
U7 Boys Germany 1 Chow, Ni... Youth Small
U7 Boys Germany 1 Fleury, Ch... Youth Small
U7 Boys Germany 1 Foley, Lo... Youth Small
U7 Boys Germany 1 Guralp, Do... Youth Small
U7 Boys Germany 1 Halpin, Lo... Using Fall's .
U7 Boys Germany 1 Jameson, Co... Youth Medium
U7 Boys Germany 1 Lapshan, Br... Youth Small
U7 Boys Germany 1 Liao, Lu... Youth Small
U7 Boys Germany 1 Michalsen, Ja... Youth Small
U7 Boys Holland 1 Coach Danny. Sp (734) 837-7174

U7 Boys Holland 1 Bose, As... Youth Small
U7 Boys Holland 1 Derry, Co... Youth Small
U7 Boys Holland 1 Graentzdoerffer, Er... Youth Large
U7 Boys Holland 1 Kani, Mu... Youth Large
U7 Boys Holland 1 Khoury, En... Youth Small
U7 Boys Holland 1 Kutylowski, Gr... Youth Medium
U7 Boys Holland 1 Shah, Sa... Youth Large
U7 Boys Holland 1 Sparks, Li... Youth Medium
U7 Boys Holland 1 Tu, Ch... Youth Large
U7 Boys Holland 1 Venkatesh, Ra... Youth Small
U7 Boys Rush Jr Singh, Ki... Youth Small
U7 Boys Rush_JR_A 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U7 Boys Rush_JR_B 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U7 Girls Argentina 1 Coach Meghan. Ho (734) 233-7245

U7 Girls Argentina 1 Assist. stephanie. ma

U7 Girls Argentina 1 Douyard, No... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Argentina 1 Essley, An... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Argentina 1 Guss, So... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Argentina 1 Holmes, Em... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Argentina 1 Hughes, Mo... Youth Medium
U7 Girls Argentina 1 Laing, Au... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Argentina 1 Luo, Er...

U7 Girls Argentina 1 machak, zo...

U7 Girls Argentina 1 Sakhleh, Ev... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Argentina 1 Schrieber, Sc... Youth Small
U7 Girls Brazil 1 Coach Chris. Ma (734) 812-5942

U7 Girls Brazil 1 Assist. Chris. He

U7 Girls Brazil 1 Adler, Ma...

U7 Girls Brazil 1 Hessler, Au...

U7 Girls Brazil 1 Mackinder, No...

U7 Girls Brazil 1 McKernan, Ha...

U7 Girls Brazil 1 Nadeau, Ch... Youth Medium
U7 Girls Brazil 1 Polega, La... Youth Small
U7 Girls Brazil 1 Quackenbush, Ev...

U7 Girls Brazil 1 Szopo, Ad... Youth Small
U7 Girls Brazil 1 Walsh, Cl... Youth Medium
U7 Girls Brazil 1 Wielechowski, Cl... Youth Medium
U7 Girls Chile 1 Coach Rosemary. Bu (517) 404-3680

U7 Girls Chile 1 Assist. Thomas. Li

U7 Girls Chile 1 Beydoun, Fa... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Chile 1 Buie, Ca...

U7 Girls Chile 1 Geis, Li... Using Fall's .
U7 Girls Chile 1 Hillebrand, Ka...

U7 Girls Chile 1 Humbad, Gi... Youth Small
U7 Girls Chile 1 Kingsbury, La... Youth Medium
U7 Girls Chile 1 Lincoln, No...

U7 Girls Chile 1 Modica, Sa...

U7 Girls Chile 1 Ross, Is... Youth Small
U7 Girls Chile 1 Suggs, Co... Youth Small
U7 Girls England 1 Coach Joseph. Jo (734) 546-1524

U7 Girls England 1 Assist. Bradley. Tr

U7 Girls England 1 Clark, Al...

U7 Girls England 1 Embury, Se... Youth Medium
U7 Girls England 1 Johnson, Ma...

U7 Girls England 1 Kahlon, Sa... Youth Small
U7 Girls England 1 Kwakye, Kr... Youth Small
U7 Girls England 1 Lambrix, We...

U7 Girls England 1 Patton, Ce...

U7 Girls England 1 Pine, Ch...

U7 Girls England 1 Trembacki, To...

U7 Girls England 1 Zgourov, Za...

U8 Boys Argentina 1 Coach Tim. Ni (734) 368-7218

U8 Boys Argentina 1 Assist. Tong. Su

U8 Boys Argentina 1 Chalhoub, Ni...

U8 Boys Argentina 1 Devitt, Li...

U8 Boys Argentina 1 Freudigman, Ai... Youth Large
U8 Boys Argentina 1 Hoeft, Ai... Youth Medium
U8 Boys Argentina 1 Jeon, No... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Argentina 1 Muresan, St... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Argentina 1 Niemann, Th... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Argentina 1 Siddiqui, Mu... Youth Medium
U8 Boys Argentina 1 Suh, Ja...

U8 Boys Argentina 1 Vidal, Mi...

U8 Boys Brazil 1 Coach Emily. Da (734) 709-2724

U8 Boys Brazil 1 Best, Co... Youth Medium
U8 Boys Brazil 1 Chisolm, Lu...

U8 Boys Brazil 1 Davis, Ca... Youth Medium
U8 Boys Brazil 1 Mack, Ja... Youth Small
U8 Boys Brazil 1 Naurato, Le... Youth Small
U8 Boys Brazil 1 Poulos, Ha... Youth Small
U8 Boys Brazil 1 Taila, Za... Youth Medium
U8 Boys Brazil 1 Waldo, Li...

U8 Boys Brazil 1 Wesley, Lu... Youth Small
U8 Boys Brazil 1 Wiemer, Ma... Youth Large
U8 Boys Chile 1 Coach Chris. Da (773) 899-1099

U8 Boys Chile 1 Callanan, Ma... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Chile 1 Colagiovanni, Wi...

U8 Boys Chile 1 Davis, Re... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Chile 1 Frescoln, Co...

U8 Boys Chile 1 Georgiev, Ko...

U8 Boys Chile 1 Georgiev, Si...

U8 Boys Chile 1 Richardson, Ja... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Chile 1 Sivier, Ni...

U8 Boys Chile 1 Spohr, Er... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Chile 1 Suszanski, St... Youth Medium
U8 Boys England 1 Coach Scott. Go (248) 840-7050

U8 Boys England 1 Gardner, Ba...

U8 Boys England 1 Goedtel, Ja... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys England 1 Jasinski, Ma...

U8 Boys England 1 Prasad, De... Youth Medium
U8 Boys England 1 Rodriguez, Lu... Youth Medium
U8 Boys England 1 Sarna, Am...

U8 Boys England 1 Soni, Ni...

U8 Boys England 1 Torok, Et... Youth Medium
U8 Boys England 1 Wassel, Be... Youth Small
U8 Boys England 1 Weber, He... Using Fall's .
U8 Boys Rush_JR_A 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U8 Boys Rush_JR_B 1 Coach Gillian N.. 734 716-0999

U8 Girls Argentina 1 Coach Justin. Mc (619) 964-1561

U8 Girls Argentina 1 Alamdari, Em... Youth Small
U8 Girls Argentina 1 Borchert, Ma... Youth Medium
U8 Girls Argentina 1 Conover, Co...

U8 Girls Argentina 1 Franciosi, Ja... Youth Small
U8 Girls Argentina 1 Khoury, Mi... Using Fall's .
U8 Girls Argentina 1 Liamini, So... Youth Medium
U8 Girls Argentina 1 McClain, So...

U8 Girls Argentina 1 Rivamonte, Ch... Youth Medium
U8 Girls Argentina 1 Vertkin, Da...

U8 Girls Brazil 1 Coach Anthony. Ma (313) 282-1194

U8 Girls Brazil 1 Blazo, Li...

U8 Girls Brazil 1 Fraas, Am... Youth Medium
U8 Girls Brazil 1 Fraas, Em...

U8 Girls Brazil 1 Kostrzewa, Ca... Youth Small
U8 Girls Brazil 1 Naszradi, Em... Youth Large
U8 Girls Brazil 1 Obidzinski, Ad... Youth Medium
U8 Girls Brazil 1 Redman, Re... Youth Small
U8 Girls Brazil 1 Suggs, Ro... Youth Small
U8 Girls Brazil 1 VanRiper, Li...

U8 Girls Brazil 1 Yang, Br... Using Fall's .
U8 Girls Chile 1 Coach Ken. Sc (224) 545-1630

U8 Girls Chile 1 Armstrong, Cl...

U8 Girls Chile 1 Klomparens, Av... Using Fall's .
U8 Girls Chile 1 Licata, Me... Youth Medium
U8 Girls Chile 1 Paquette, Is...

U8 Girls Chile 1 Schleh, Cl... Using Fall's .
U8 Girls Chile 1 Tahzeeb, Ma... Using Fall's .
U8 Girls Chile 1 Tomsha, Ju...

U8 Girls Chile 1 Van Tiem, Ev...

U8 Girls Chile 1 Yoo, El... Using Fall's .
U8 Girls England 1 Coach John. Ri (617) 504-2652

U8 Girls England 1 Hickey, Sl... Using Fall's .
U8 Girls England 1 Karumanchi, Ve... Youth Medium
U8 Girls England 1 Mandava, Ak... Youth Medium
U8 Girls England 1 Mandava, Am... Youth Small
U8 Girls England 1 Mohnach, Em...

U8 Girls England 1 Rigdon, Em... Youth Medium
U8 Girls England 1 Slotkin, Sc...

U8 Girls England 1 Williams, Au...

U8 Girls England 1 Witschen, Ma...

U8 Girls England 1 Yadav, My... Youth Small
U9 Boys Arsenal Coach Kirk. Ry (734) 756-3392

U9 Boys Arsenal Assist. Joseph. Jo

U9 Boys Arsenal Assist. Jeffrey. Ta

U9 Boys Arsenal Abu-Isa, Ka...

U9 Boys Arsenal barger, ja...

U9 Boys Arsenal Bobin, Bl...

U9 Boys Arsenal Czarnecki, Co...

U9 Boys Arsenal Hayek, Al... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Arsenal Johnson, Be...

U9 Boys Arsenal KIM, Er... Using Fall's .
U9 Boys Arsenal Pelon, Mi...

U9 Boys Arsenal Rylance, Ga...

U9 Boys Arsenal Srinivasan, Kr... Youth Large
U9 Boys Arsenal Taylor, Gr...

U9 Boys Arsenal Yaqoub -Sarsam, Da... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Cosmos Coach David. De (734) 377-5885

U9 Boys Cosmos Ashkar, Ja... Using Fall's .
U9 Boys Cosmos Clark, Ca...

U9 Boys Cosmos DeFrain, Ty...

U9 Boys Cosmos Jetishi, Lo...

U9 Boys Cosmos Laing, Wy... Adult Medium
U9 Boys Cosmos Malhotra, Vi...

U9 Boys Cosmos Patel, Pa... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Cosmos qazi, su...

U9 Boys Cosmos Sabbineni, He... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Cosmos Weick, Be... Youth Large
U9 Boys Cosmos Weick, Sa... Youth Large
U9 Boys Express Coach Thomas. Li (248) 470-7685

U9 Boys Express Assist. Tariq. Ha

U9 Boys Express Assist. Jeff. Mo

U9 Boys Express Dababneh, Ze... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Express Eckerly, Ja... Youth Small
U9 Boys Express Hafeez, Al... Youth Small
U9 Boys Express Harb, Ma... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Express Lee, Jo... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Express Lincoln, Wi... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Express Malinowski, He...

U9 Boys Express Modica, Ma...

U9 Boys Express Navarre, Si... Youth Large
U9 Boys Express Park, Le...

U9 Boys Express Shega, Da... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Express Xu, Sa... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Hotspurs Coach Scott. Ho (248) 767-9511

U9 Boys Hotspurs Assist. Geary. Pr

U9 Boys Hotspurs Aeschliman, Sa...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Biers, At... Youth Medium
U9 Boys Hotspurs Braziunas, Co... Youth Small
U9 Boys Hotspurs Douyard, Ty...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Giroux, Do...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Granger, Rh...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Holmes, Pa...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Machak, Tr...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Pejanovic, Lu...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Priehs, Gi... Using Fall's .
U9 Boys Hotspurs Saad, Ke...

U9 Boys Hotspurs Wright, Jo... Using Fall's .
U9 Girls Arsenal Coach Joseph. Wi (734) 395-0644

U9 Girls Arsenal Assist. Mick. Se

U9 Girls Arsenal Assist. Jennifer. Sk

U9 Girls Arsenal Adomkaitis, Ar...

U9 Girls Arsenal Childress, Ad...

U9 Girls Arsenal Fagan, Ga...

U9 Girls Arsenal Kahlon, An... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Arsenal Kirklin, De... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Arsenal Klomparens, Mi... Using Fall's .
U9 Girls Arsenal Martin, Ch...

U9 Girls Arsenal Nanthabalan, Ni...

U9 Girls Arsenal Nowakowski, Ol...

U9 Girls Arsenal Semke, Pa...

U9 Girls Arsenal Skiba, Ev...

U9 Girls Arsenal Wicks, Pe...

U9 Girls Cosmos Coach Giuseppe. Ia (734) 233-1175

U9 Girls Cosmos Bares, Em... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Cosmos Bazzi, Da... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Cosmos Ianni, Ch... Youth Large
U9 Girls Cosmos Ianni, Vi... Youth Large
U9 Girls Cosmos Izard, As... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Cosmos Kwakye, Je... Adult Small
U9 Girls Cosmos McPherson, Vi... Adult Small
U9 Girls Cosmos Nadeau, Ha... Youth Large
U9 Girls Cosmos Stalnaker, Ca... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Cosmos Thompson, Di... Adult Small
U9 Girls Cosmos Whitsel, No... Youth Small
U9 Girls Refund Gill, Ma... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Refund Gill, Se... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Thunder Coach Dejan. Mi (734) 718-6212

U9 Girls Thunder Gordon, Sa... Youth Small
U9 Girls Thunder Mitkovski, Ad...

U9 Girls Thunder Mitkovski, So...

U9 Girls Thunder Parr, Gr...

U9 Girls Thunder Parr, Li...

U9 Girls Thunder Rodriguez, Lu...

U9 Girls Thunder Stelea, Na... Youth Large
U9 Girls Thunder Swiecki, Ev... Youth Medium
U9 Girls Thunder Testani, Ga...

U9 Girls Thunder Toth, Ch...

U9 Girls Thunder Woodrich, Em...

U9 Girls Thunder Woodrich, So...

U10 Boys Arsenal Coach Michael. Ke (248) 390-2803

U10 Boys Arsenal Assist. Mike. Co

U10 Boys Arsenal Assist. Matthew. Wi

U10 Boys Arsenal Armstrong, Na... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Arsenal Bazzi, Is...

U10 Boys Arsenal Bohm, Li... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Arsenal Cooney, Da...

U10 Boys Arsenal Donlon, Be... Youth Small
U10 Boys Arsenal Holodnick, Ch... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Arsenal Kelly, Ca... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Arsenal Kelly, Ow... Youth Small
U10 Boys Arsenal Oleksinski, No... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Arsenal Quarles, Ta...

U10 Boys Arsenal Weidenfeller, Gr... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Arsenal Wiegand, Ga...

U10 Boys Cosmos Coach Bill. Co (517) 256-4836

U10 Boys Cosmos Assist. ADAM. Va

U10 Boys Cosmos Anghan, Hu... Youth Medium
U10 Boys Cosmos Conover, Ev...

U10 Boys Cosmos DeFrain, Br...

U10 Boys Cosmos Gregory, Hu... Youth Medium
U10 Boys Cosmos Kaza, Gu... Youth Medium
U10 Boys Cosmos Ma, Ge... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Cosmos Rayala, Ra... Using Fall's .
U10 Boys Cosmos Stickler, Ad... Youth Large
U10 Boys Cosmos Van Dis, Mi...

U10 Boys Cosmos Van Dis, Sh...

U10 Boys Cosmos Ward, Xa... Youth Small
U10 Boys Cosmos Yathindra Kumar, Pa... Youth Small
U10 Boys Express Coach Dan. Fe (248) 345-6959

U10 Boys Express Assist. Matt. Gi

U10 Boys Express Brach, Ch...

U10 Boys Express Chalhoub, Mi...

U10 Boys Express Ferrara, He...

U10 Boys Express Foelting, Er...

U10 Boys Express Foelting, To...

U10 Boys Express Gillim, No...

U10 Boys Express Lambrix, Hu...

U10 Boys Express Moore, Fo... Youth Large
U10 Boys Express Wykretowicz, Fr... Youth Medium
U10 Boys Hotspurs Coach Dan. Fe (248) 345-6959

U10 Boys Hotspurs Assist. Zachary. Pa

U10 Boys Hotspurs Alshubbar, Ha... Youth Medium
U10 Boys Hotspurs Betz, Ma... Youth Large
U10 Boys Hotspurs Cloud, Ry... Youth Medium
U10 Boys Hotspurs Gesch, An... Youth Large
U10 Boys Hotspurs Martin, Da... Adult Medium
U10 Boys Hotspurs McKinstry, Ia... Youth Large
U10 Boys Hotspurs Paquette, Jo... Youth Large
U10 Boys Hotspurs Wilamowski, Co... Youth Large
U10 Boys Hotspurs Yazdi, Ya... Youth Medium
U10 Girls Arsenal Coach Robert. Gr (248) 231-9861

U10 Girls Arsenal Assist. Eric. Ku

U10 Girls Arsenal aravind, sh... Using Fall's .
U10 Girls Arsenal Bell, Mc...

U10 Girls Arsenal Goedtel, El...

U10 Girls Arsenal Graves, Sh... Using Fall's .
U10 Girls Arsenal Grimaldi, Ga...

U10 Girls Arsenal Jomaa, Le... Using Fall's .
U10 Girls Arsenal Kulongowski, Ch...

U10 Girls Arsenal Lauster, Gr...

U10 Girls Arsenal Nowakowski, Al...

U10 Girls Arsenal Romanczuk, Ka... Adult Small
U10 Girls Arsenal Salliotte, Lo...

U10 Girls Arsenal Zgourov, St...

U10 Girls Cosmos Coach Nunzio. De (586) 419-5076

U10 Girls Cosmos Assist. Brett. Sc

U10 Girls Cosmos Agisetti, Sh...

U10 Girls Cosmos Beckman, Cl...

U10 Girls Cosmos DeCia, Gi...

U10 Girls Cosmos Gerber, Av...

U10 Girls Cosmos Humbad, Gi... Youth Small
U10 Girls Cosmos Muse, Fi...

U10 Girls Cosmos Petroskey, Lo...

U10 Girls Cosmos Sarna, Li...

U10 Girls Cosmos Schloesser, Ca...

U10 Girls Cosmos Sharma, Aa...

U10 Girls Cosmos Stewart, Em... Youth Small
U10 Girls Cosmos Yang, Em... Using Fall's .
U10 Girls Half Refund Khaireddine, Sa... Using Fall's .
U11 Boys Arsenal Coach Marwan. Yo (248) 513-0234

U11 Boys Arsenal Bazzi, Kh... Using Fall's .
U11 Boys Arsenal Boring, Bl... Youth Large
U11 Boys Arsenal Brown, He...

U11 Boys Arsenal Green, No... Youth Large
U11 Boys Arsenal Hong, Ju... Youth Small
U11 Boys Arsenal Luo, Ev...

U11 Boys Arsenal Mahngar, Na...

U11 Boys Arsenal Sterioff, Ma...

U11 Boys Arsenal Taila, Se...

U11 Boys Arsenal Youssef, Ra...

U11 Boys Arsenal Zoltowski, Ai...

U11 Boys Express Coach Simon. Gl (313) 805-4643

U11 Boys Express Assist. Waldek. Ga

U11 Boys Express Gardzielewski, Os...

U11 Boys Express Gleed, Al...

U11 Boys Express Harvey, Tr... Youth Large
U11 Boys Express Hughes, Ca...

U11 Boys Express Kim, Da... Youth Large
U11 Boys Express Link, Bo...

U11 Boys Express Luan, Ti... Youth Large
U11 Boys Express McLoughlin, Ch...

U11 Boys Express Muthukumar, Ka...

U11 Boys Express Pappas, Xa...

U11 Boys Express Torok, Ga...

U11 Boys Express Yaldou, Jo... Youth Large
U11 Boys Hurricanes Coach Jeff. An (734) 564-9880

U11 Boys Hurricanes Assist. Nolan. Em

U11 Boys Hurricanes Assist. Rabah. Ha

U11 Boys Hurricanes Aeschliman, Dr...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Andersen, Be...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Beno, Mi...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Emlaw, Pa...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Feenstra, Gr... Youth Medium
U11 Boys Hurricanes Hadjit, Sa...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Howard, Da...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Keum, Mi...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Lindenmeyer, Ma...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Mahmoud, Ha...

U11 Boys Hurricanes MoralesRios, Ma...

U11 Boys Hurricanes Swearingen, Sp...

U11 Boys Hurricanes yee, ca...

U11 Boys Lightning Coach Joseph. Jo (734) 546-1524

U11 Boys Lightning Assist. Jeffrey. Ta

U11 Boys Lightning Carson, Br...

U11 Boys Lightning Conover, Ry...

U11 Boys Lightning Dababneh, Lu... Youth Large
U11 Boys Lightning Gregory, Pa... Youth Medium
U11 Boys Lightning Heiniger, Le... Using Fall's .
U11 Boys Lightning Johnson, Ch...

U11 Boys Lightning Lipski, An...

U11 Boys Lightning Mulleady, Al... Youth Small
U11 Boys Lightning Nakovski, Ma... Youth Medium
U11 Boys Lightning NAKOVSKI, ZI... Youth Medium
U11 Boys Lightning Niehaus, Lu...

U11 Boys Lightning Suh, Et...

U11 Boys Lightning Taylor, Ca...

U11 Boys Lightning Tessmer, Be...

U11 Boys Refund Soueidan, Ho...

U11 Girls Arsenal Coach Nicklaus. Sl (313) 719-8870

U11 Girls Arsenal Assist. Danielle. Ar

U11 Girls Arsenal Artinian, Ev... Youth Large
U11 Girls Arsenal Carpenter, Mi... Using Fall's .
U11 Girls Arsenal Corby, El... Youth Large
U11 Girls Arsenal Haas, Mc... Youth Medium
U11 Girls Arsenal Harb, Ma... Youth Large
U11 Girls Arsenal Kwakye, Na... Adult Small
U11 Girls Arsenal Liao, Ka...

U11 Girls Arsenal Nyilas, Em... Youth Medium
U11 Girls Arsenal Nyilas, La...

U11 Girls Arsenal Patel, Rh...

U11 Girls Arsenal Ramirez, Vi...

U11 Girls Arsenal Shigehara, No... Adult Small
U11 Girls Arsenal Slayden, Qu... Adult Small
U11 Girls Arsenal Slayden, Sc... Adult Medium
U11 Girls Arsenal Tchonang, Gr... Adult Medium
U11 Girls Arsenal Tsourapas, Il...

U11 Girls Refund Siddiqui, Im... Youth Large
U12 Boys Arsenal Coach Tara. An (734) 223-3571

U12 Boys Arsenal Brumwell, Br...

U12 Boys Arsenal DEFRANCISCO, SA... Adult Small
U12 Boys Arsenal Ehlers, Pa...

U12 Boys Arsenal Graves, Hu... Adult Small
U12 Boys Arsenal Hariga, Tr... Youth Small
U12 Boys Arsenal Hooper, Co...

U12 Boys Arsenal Kakish, Za... Using Fall's .
U12 Boys Arsenal Khan, Sh... Youth Medium
U12 Boys Arsenal Knoll, Ka... Adult Small
U12 Boys Arsenal Lee, Da...

U12 Boys Arsenal Mach, Ka...

U12 Boys Arsenal McClain, La...

U12 Boys Arsenal Pavuluri, Ta...

U12 Boys Arsenal Pereira, Aa...

U12 Boys Arsenal Thompson, Ca... Youth Large
U12 Boys Arsenal Torjani, Ar...

U12 Girls Refund Sneyd, Sa... Adult Small
U13 Boys Cosmos Coach Anders. Gu (248) 767-6809

U13 Boys Cosmos Assist. Daniel. Fe

U13 Boys Cosmos Assist. Rabah. Ha

U13 Boys Cosmos Avery, Do...

U13 Boys Cosmos Banchero, Jo...

U13 Boys Cosmos Brunskole, An...

U13 Boys Cosmos Capatina, Ch...

U13 Boys Cosmos Feenstra, Re...

U13 Boys Cosmos Gustafson, La...

U13 Boys Cosmos Hadjit, Ma...

U13 Boys Cosmos Hoshaw, Ma...

U13 Boys Cosmos Hughes, Sa... Using Fall's .
U13 Boys Cosmos Kulp, Br...

U13 Boys Cosmos LEVARIO SALAZAR, IK... Youth Medium
U13 Boys Cosmos Mavrinac, Ra...

U13 Boys Cosmos Minai-Azary, Al...

U13 Boys Cosmos Nyilas, Ja...

U13 Boys Cosmos Patel, Ri... Youth Medium
U13 Boys Cosmos Roh, Jo... Using Fall's .
U13 Boys Cosmos Somers, Wy...

U13 Boys Cosmos Zwettler, Be...

U13 Boys Express Coach Paul. Mi (630) 649-8015

U13 Boys Express Azzopardi, Ow... Adult Large
U13 Boys Express Chambers, La... Youth Large
U13 Boys Express Chavez, Jo... Youth Large
U13 Boys Express Davis, Sa... Adult Small
U13 Boys Express Grimaldi, Ch... Youth Large
U13 Boys Express HAYEK, Ar... Adult Small
U13 Boys Express Kaakaji, Ke...

U13 Boys Express Mitchell, An...

U13 Boys Express Mitchell, Do...

U13 Boys Express Nanthabalan, At...

U13 Boys Express Paspunuri, As...

U13 Boys Express Pawlowski, Ad...

U13 Boys Express Shields, No... Youth Large
U13 Boys Express Stalnaker, Qu... Adult Small
U13 Boys Express Swanson, Jo...

U13 Boys Express Ward, Ja... Youth Medium
U13 Boys Express Wasil, Ja...

U13 Boys Express Yaekle, Lu... Youth Large
U13 Boys Express Yaqoub _Sarsam, Fa... Adult Small
U14 Boys Lightning Coach Rick. An (248) 231-8401

U14 Boys Lightning Assist. Matt. Bi

U14 Boys Lightning Anton, Et...

U14 Boys Lightning Binkowski, Mi...

U14 Boys Lightning Farhat, Ma... Youth Medium
U14 Boys Lightning Farhat, Yo... Adult Large
U14 Boys Lightning Hong, Ju... Youth Medium
U14 Boys Lightning Janisse, Ju...

U14 Boys Lightning Lee, Da...

U14 Boys Lightning LEVARIO SALAZAR, Za... Adult Medium
U14 Boys Lightning Mueller, Fi...

U14 Boys Lightning Niehaus, Al...

U14 Boys Lightning Purty, Br...

U14 Boys Lightning Thompson, Re... Using Fall's .
U14 Girls Lightning Coach Eleni. Vr (313) 418-4305

U14 Girls Lightning Assist. Kyra. Da

U14 Girls Lightning Agosta, Em...

U14 Girls Lightning Bazzi, Ka... Using Fall's .
U14 Girls Lightning Biyashev, Ka... Adult Small
U14 Girls Lightning Brumwell, Ab...

U14 Girls Lightning Ciarrocchi, Si...

U14 Girls Lightning Dahring, Ka...

U14 Girls Lightning DEFRANCISCO, NA... Using Fall's .
U14 Girls Lightning Derouin, Zo...

U14 Girls Lightning Drzewicki, Ka...

U14 Girls Lightning Gajda, Li...

U14 Girls Lightning Janini, Ya... Adult Small
U14 Girls Lightning Kment, Ja... Using Fall's .
U14 Girls Lightning Kulongowski, Ma...

U14 Girls Lightning Neljkovic, Ma... Adult Medium
U14 Girls Lightning Perry, Ma... Using Fall's .
U14 Girls Lightning Pflum, Vi...

U14 Girls Lightning Schwartz, Ad... Adult Small
U14 Girls Lightning Smith, Fi...

U14 Girls Lightning Smith, Mo... Adult Medium
U14 Girls Lightning Stover, Fa... Using Fall's .
U14 Girls Lightning Vrahnos, Ka...

U14 Girls Refund Pervine, Ta... Adult Small
U14 Girls Rockers Coach Bill. St (502) 235-3449

U14 Girls Rockers Assist. Brendan. Te

U14 Girls Rockers Assist. Thomas. To

U14 Girls Rockers Agisetti, Sa...

U14 Girls Rockers Broglin, Ha... Adult Small
U14 Girls Rockers Ebbing, Ma...

U14 Girls Rockers Embury, Ar...

U14 Girls Rockers Giron, Em...

U14 Girls Rockers Gulati, Sa...

U14 Girls Rockers Luo, Em... Using Fall's .
U14 Girls Rockers Martin, Ad...

U14 Girls Rockers Martin, Li...

U14 Girls Rockers Micallef, Ky...

U14 Girls Rockers Nikitas, An...

U14 Girls Rockers Oleszkowicz, Mo...

U14 Girls Rockers Pereira, Me...

U14 Girls Rockers Richard, Ma...

U14 Girls Rockers Stevens, Le...

U14 Girls Rockers Tetro, Ol...

U14 Girls Rockers Thomas, Ne...

U14 Girls Rockers Tocco, Ma...

U14 Girls Rockers Weaver, Di...

U14 Girls Rockers Zini, Em...

U14 Girls Will not Play Hare, Ma...

HSO Boys Arsenal Coach Subbaiya. Ko (248) 462-5282

HSO Boys Arsenal Assist. Joseph. Ga

HSO Boys Arsenal Adamski, Za...

HSO Boys Arsenal Dagher, Ma...

HSO Boys Arsenal Fakhouri, Da...

HSO Boys Arsenal Gajda, Et...

HSO Boys Arsenal Gami, Um...

HSO Boys Arsenal Gleed, Ha...

HSO Boys Arsenal Gugaratshan, Ar...

HSO Boys Arsenal Hartigan, Be...

HSO Boys Arsenal Hooper, Lu... Adult Large
HSO Boys Arsenal Kani, Ly... Using Fall's .
HSO Boys Arsenal Kokkalera, Ki...

HSO Boys Arsenal McGow, Co... Adult Medium
HSO Boys Arsenal McLoughlin, Ma... Adult Small
HSO Boys Arsenal Mendel, Co...

HSO Boys Arsenal Niehaus, Da...

HSO Boys Arsenal Oleksinski, Al...

HSO Boys Arsenal Wargowsky, So...

HSO Boys Arsenal Wild, No...

HSO Boys Rockers Coach Subbaiya. Ko (248) 462-5282

HSO Boys Rockers Assist. Anthony. Ma

HSO Boys Rockers Alkhersan, Ha...

HSO Boys Rockers Bennett, Ai...

HSO Boys Rockers Binkert, Al... Adult Medium
HSO Boys Rockers Binkert, Be... Adult Small
HSO Boys Rockers Blindu, Be... Adult Small
HSO Boys Rockers Dugdale, Ka...

HSO Boys Rockers Ebrahem, Yo... Using Fall's .
HSO Boys Rockers Harajli, Na...

HSO Boys Rockers Khraizat, Ja...

HSO Boys Rockers Kokkalera, Ya...

HSO Boys Rockers Kresnak, Ja... Adult Medium
HSO Boys Rockers Mastronardi, An...

HSO Boys Rockers Mavrinac, Al...

HSO Boys Rockers McLoughlin, Jo...

HSO Boys Rockers Murphy, Mi...

HSO Boys Rockers Okada, Ts...

HSO Boys Rockers Sotiropoulos, Ni... Youth Large
HSO Boys Rockers Swisher, Ja...

HSO Boys Rockers weyburne, wi... Using Fall's .
HSO Girls Arsenal Coach Anthony. Ma (313) 282-1194

HSO Girls Arsenal Brown, Br...

HSO Girls Arsenal Gale, Sa... Using Fall's .
HSO Girls Arsenal Harvey, Lu... Adult Small
HSO Girls Arsenal Jason, Li...

HSO Girls Arsenal Jasperson, El...

HSO Girls Arsenal Krikor, Da...

HSO Girls Arsenal Lauster, Me...

HSO Girls Arsenal Lin, Ka... Adult Small
HSO Girls Arsenal Mavrinac, El...

HSO Girls Arsenal Nair, Va...

HSO Girls Arsenal Oneil, Ca...

HSO Girls Arsenal Pepic, Mi... Youth Large
HSO Girls Arsenal Sims, Ma...

HSO Girls HotSpurs Coach Eric. Ku (248) 921-8979

HSO Girls Hotspurs Assist. Adam. Va

HSO Girls Hotspurs Anderson, Li...

HSO Girls Hotspurs Armstrong, Ma...

HSO Girls HotSpurs Broglin, Em...

HSO Girls HotSpurs Capatina, Li...

HSO Girls Hotspurs Conklin, Li... Adult Medium
HSO Girls Hotspurs Gress, Ol... Using Fall's .
HSO Girls Hotspurs Hammoud, Al... Using Fall's .
HSO Girls Hotspurs Jaghab, Sa... Adult Small
HSO Girls Hotspurs Kannappan, Di...

HSO Girls Hotspurs Kaur, Ha...

HSO Girls HotSpurs Kulongowski, Gr...

HSO Girls Hotspurs Lehnert, Av...

HSO Girls Hotspurs Madgwick, Ed... Adult Medium
HSO Girls Hotspurs Paredes, La...

HSO Girls Hotspurs Van Dis, Kr...

HSO Girls Hotspurs VanLoo, El... Adult Medium
HSO Girls Hotspurs weyburne, ha... Using Fall's .
HSO Girls Hurricanes Coach Stephen. Ol (248) 880-6141

HSO Girls Hurricanes Assist. Brian. Ba

HSO Girls Hurricanes Bachert, Al...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Calloway, Al... Adult Small
HSO Girls Hurricanes Gerber, Ri...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Hofner, Em...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Hofner, Er...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Jordan, ca...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Kearney, He...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Kearney, Na...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Olsen, St...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Parmar, Me...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Politi, Av... Using Fall's .
HSO Girls Hurricanes Szajner, Ju...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Wild, Ma...

HSO Girls Hurricanes Yamine, El... Adult Small